Wednesday 13 February 2013


Assalammualaikum ya habibi ya maulana.... :)

keep it up! keep onnnn
keep onnn
keeepppp oonnnn smiling my dear !

oh no! i'm in a mood of CUTI....waaaa
waaa..lambat nye update pasal cuti padahal cuti dh hampir 5 hari berlalu...
mueheheehehe...busy u olls... u olls ape tau! hush ~.~

i'm home! Jumaat lepas dh...muahaahaha...
buat ape ek? buat ape mende ek cuti ni?
nothing to do u olls...
peshbuk..peshbuk..peshbuk! bored~ ~ ~ ~ ~
lastly.. i jejalan with my BFF... ala tomei nye..
kite pegi laa.. jejalan mkn burger... jejalan mkn2 (mcm mane upenye ek?) "jln smbil mkn?"

macam ni?

eh !
takdelh sampai jadi Maria Tengku Sabri.... hahaha (gelak sakan)
kite org mkn kat tempat biase2 je... no wonder lh dh tgh bulan kot... hehehe
hmmm emmm hurmmm
what more yep?
i dh mati kutu..! xtau nk typing ape lagi..
dhla la u olls...dah dah dah..

#syok2 cerita pastu idea hilang..
kosong kosong (ala najwa L) 
pieceee !!!

Saturday 2 February 2013

air oh air

assalammualaikum alls...
lambat kot baru ade new post....

i'm in trouble sekarang....OH NO!
i'm busuk la..belom mandi update post...
hehehe...theres no water supply...kesian tau..
menci menci mencinye mcmni...
i lebih rela takde letrik brbnding takde air...

sedih la u alls asyik macamni je...
bsuk all my body...nanti i beli tangki air then tatang air mcm mentang minyak yg penuh...
eh? ade ke peribahasa tu digune... ignore lh u alls....

dh.thats all ketidakpuashatian... ngeeeee
kalau lame2 kat sini.. one whole blog pulak busuk...hehehe

kesian kan u alls...